Emergency Elevator Repairs

Seeking emergency elevator repairs? Elevator safety can’t be left to trial and error! You need a company you can rely on, a company that can do the job right the first time, a company that can do the job quickly enough to minimize downtime without sacrificing the high technical quality of such work. Our service crews have the necessary knowledge and tools to work on most equipment from any manufacturer. We take pride in providing timely service with competitive pricing.

Northern Elevator Company has the experience to repair any aspect of your cable or hydraulic elevator no matter the brand or age. We stock and carry most of the common elevator parts ranging from 70 year old basement drum machines to newly installed solid state overhead traction elevators. This means that we are able to quickly repair most elevator problems associated with aging elevators obsolescence, vandalism, and water damage saving you downtime and helping reducing customer complaints.

Our elevator repair quotes are usually in your hands within 24 hours. But you won’t pay a premium for this service. In fact, our elevator repair quotes are more than competitive.


Provided to contract customers only.